It’s time to create your space.
You’re not alone.
While raising children, it is easy to lose track of who you are.
Learn how to enthusiastically
step back into a life
you happily gave away for years.
As “Mom” you are special, powerful, and responsible. You put your needs and wants last willingly, in service to your child and your new identity. When adolescence hits, and your child tells you to go away and leave them alone. Your love, care, and attention are rejected.
Reconnect with your authentic self
For years, you chose your children’s needs and wants over your own. There was an urgency to the work of parenting. Now, you feel overwhelmed and confused as a parent and as a person.
We will explore your life and examine what works, what doesn’t and what you want. You will reconnect with your authentic self and push play on your wishes, hopes, and dreams.
Discover joy and purpose
Your young children were playful, joyous, and loving. It was easy to feel purposeful around them. Once childhood ends and the teenage attitude begins, your children’s adoration disappears and so does that instantaneous joy.
During our work together, you will pinpoint exactly what lights your fire and gives you a sense of purpose. You will become a master at exploring change and at creating joy and fulfillment in your own life.
Parent with clarity and confidence
Being a mother is the most challenging job there is.
Motherhood triggers permanent changes in us. We suddenly love with a new intensity and protect and defend with a new ferocity. We become devoted caregivers to children who keep changing and there is no instruction manual for us. Parenting is challenging at all stages, but particularly through the adolescent years.
No matter the ages of your children, we will unravel the parenting challenges that you’re facing and create a customized parenting toolkit that meets your needs today and takes you into the future. You will make your home life and relationships peaceful, joyous, and fulfilling.